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2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the Degree of Mark Master Mason in Spain. But what is this degree? Open to all Master Masons, its ceremony involves two parts: first, a Brother is recognised as a Mark Man, then he becomes a Mark Master Mason. Each Mark Mason has a unique personal mark, linking them to operative stonemasons who used marks to identify their work for centuries. The ‘Mark’ refers to symbols still visible in many cathedrals and historic stone buildings today.

Holy Scripture plays a vital role in the ritual, teaching valuable lessons about human strengths and weaknesses. The Mark Degree follows the Second Degree in Craft Masonry. Evidence suggests the degree is 400 years old, but the earliest English record dates to 1769, when it was first worked in the Chapter of Friendship, Royal Arch Chapter No. 257 in Portsmouth. A minute book from 1599 in the Lodge of Edinburgh notes speculative brethren appending their marks after their names.

The first meeting of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons took place on 23 June 1856.

Members’ regalia includes a white apron with a triangular flap at the top, bordered by light blue and crimson ribbon, with matching rosettes. Masters and Past Masters replace the rosettes with silver levels. The jewel of the Order is a keystone on a matching ribbon, bearing a mallet and chisel—the tools of the Order. The keystone, inscribed with specific characters, is central to the ceremony.

Why is the Mark called the “friendly degree” and what makes it magical? Many Freemasons find the Mark degree, along with the Royal Ark Mariner degree, to be among the most enjoyable parts of their membership. It’s often said that the Mark is a favourite, with new Mark Masons wishing they had joined earlier. The degree emphasises the social side of Freemasonry, making it a truly enjoyable experience.

The dramatic yet friendly ceremony illustrates that the wisest can be mistaken, that experts can be wrong, and that even the most insignificant can achieve distinction. We all play a part in building the temple. For many, the Mark is the first step beyond the Craft, offering new friends and experiences that widen their Masonic knowledge and circle. It provides a gateway to other Masonic orders.

Mark Masons are enthusiastic and welcoming; communication is friendly and approachable. Among Mark Masons, you’ll always find friends, which is why it is known as the friendly degree.

Each Progressive Order adds to the fun, friendship, and fellowship of Freemasonry, but the Mark holds a special charm. Members often mention the engaging and easily shared story and ritual, which make our ceremonies participatory and manageable. Depending on the lodge’s membership, the ritual in our District is worked in either Spanish or English, ensuring that all members can engage fully.

Members also value the comradeship. Mark Masons share a common goal: to enjoy their membership and the companionship it brings. The Mark is inclusive, welcoming all Master Masons regardless of faith or cultural background.

Visiting is another key part of the Mark—not just within our District but across others. Many members have friends in different Provinces, and inter-visiting strengthens those bonds. When visiting another lodge, you might even be invited to help out in some small way, perhaps by taking on an office. It’s all part of the Order. It’s all part of the magic.

When members consider reducing their Masonic commitments, they often hold onto their Mark lodges above all others.

Timing is crucial in Freemasonry. Getting it right can be the difference between being a member for now or for life.

The Mark enhances the Masonic journey—introducing new friends, lodges, and opportunities through acting offices and special interest lodges, ensuring that the Mark remains an integral part of a Freemason’s Masonic family.

So, what is the magic? Freemasonry is about the members and what they bring to it.

The Mark degree embodies this even more. When you make new friends within our Order, you make them for life. You leave meetings not just having had a great time but eagerly anticipating the next one, enjoying the lasting satisfaction of membership.

‘The Magic of the Mark’ is there to be discovered, explored, and enjoyed.

In the District of Spain, we’re celebrating 30 years of experiencing this magic and welcoming wonderful new members. Since our consecration in 1994, our membership has grown significantly, especially with many Spanish Brethren eager to enhance their Masonic journey. Our vast District, covering the mainland and islands, has seen members frequently visiting other lodges and forming lasting friendships.

This camaraderie is particularly evident each February when members come together for our Annual District Grand Assembly. Brethren are encouraged to attend, and many leave having made new friends.

Togetherness starts from day one, as our ritual offers participation opportunities from the moment a Brother joins. The candidate is not merely led around the lodge room but increasingly takes an active role.

As we celebrate these 30 years, we strongly encourage Brethren to consider joining the Mark as soon as the time is right for them personally. Remember, when you join, you’ll be among friends, and many regret not joining sooner. Join us in discovering the Magic of the Mark!

R.H. Barrie Mansell